1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the social.cwts.nl moderators.

  1. No discrimination of any kind, including discrimination on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion or language.
  2. No incitement of violence, promotion of violent ideologies or violent behaviour of any manner.
  3. No doxxing, dogpiling or harassment in any form of other users.
  4. No content considered illegal in the Netherlands.
  5. Use your real name for your account.
  6. Adhere to the guidelines for social media usage as laid out by Leiden University. In particular, be respectful to others, and do not share private or confidential information.
  7. Uphold principles of scientific integrity, in line with the Netherlands Scientific Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. In particular, be honest, transparent and responsible in communication and be clear on limitations and uncertainties of research.